During the first initial pass, the AI parser must choose which rules in the script to load. To enable the AI script to load different code depending on the game settings, you can use System Defined Load-If Symbols. These are used with #load-if-defined or #load-if-not-defined conditional loading commands. Here's a list of all System Defined Load-If Symbols available:
Symbol | Description |
DEATH-MATCH | Death Match game. |
RANDOM-MAP | Random Map game. |
REGICIDE | Regicide game. |
KING-OF-THE-HILL | King of the Hill game. CPSB incorrectly states "KING". |
WONDER-RACE | Wonder Race game. CPSB incorrectly states "WONDER RACE". |
DEFEND-WONDER | Defend the Wonder game. CPSB incorrectly states "DEFEND THE WONDER". |
TURBO-RANDOM-MAP | Turbo random map game. |
SUDDEN-DEATH | Sudden death game. HD/DE only. |
CAPTURE-THE-RELIC | Capture the Relic game. HD/DE only. |
BATTLE-ROYALE | Battle Royale game. DE only. |
EMPIRE-WARS | Empire Wars game. DE only. |
TURBO-MODE | A game where the Turbo Mode checkbox is checked. |
SUB-GAME-MODE-EMPIRE-WARS | A game where the Empire Wars Mode checkbox is checked. |
SUB-GAME-MODE-SUDDEN-DEATH | A game where the Sudden Death Mode checkbox is checked. |
SUB-GAME-MODE-REGICIDE | A game where the Regicide Mode checkbox is checked. |
SUB-GAME-MODE-KING-OF-THE-HILL | A game where the King of the Hill Mode checkbox is checked. |
GAME-SPEED-LOCKED | Game speed is locked. |
ALL-TECHS-ENABLED | All techs enabled. |
LAST-MAN-STANDING | Last Man Standing checked. |
BATTLE-ROYAL-TIME-X-MINUTES | Battle Royale Time Limit, where X is the number of minutes. |
Symbol | Description |
DARK-AGE-START | Dark Age start. |
FEUDAL-AGE-START | Feudal Age start. |
CASTLE-AGE-START | Castle Age start. |
IMPERIAL-AGE-START | Imperial Age start. |
POST-IMPERIAL-AGE-START | Post-Imperial Age start. |
DARK-AGE-END | Highest available age is Dark Age. |
FEUDAL-AGE-END | Highest available age is Feudal Age. |
CASTLE-AGE-END | Highest available age is Castle Age. |
IMPERIAL-AGE-END | Highest available age is Imperial Age. |
Symbol | Description |
LOW-RESOURCES-START | Low resources start (Standard). |
MEDIUM-RESOURCES-START | Medium resources start. |
HIGH-RESOURCES-START | High resources start. |
ULTRA-RESOURCES-START | Ultra resources start. DE only. |
INFINITE-RESOURCES-START | Infinite resources start. DE only. |
RANDOM-RESOURCES-START | Random resources start. DE only. |
Symbol | Description |
MINIATURE-MAP-SIZE | Miniature size map. 80x80 tiles. Requires MORE_MAP_SIZES Steam launch parameter. |
TINY-MAP | Tiny size (2 player) map. 120x120 tiles. |
TINY-MAP-SIZE | Tiny size (2 player) map. 120x120 tiles. |
SMALL-MAP | Small size (3 player) map. 144x144 tiles. |
SMALL-MAP-SIZE | Small size (3 player) map. 144x144 tiles. |
MEDIUM-MAP | Medium size (4 player) map. 168x168 tiles. |
MEDIUM-MAP-SIZE | Medium size map. 168x168 tiles. |
NORMAL-MAP | Normal size (6 player) map. 200x200 tiles. |
NORMAL-MAP-SIZE | Normal size map. 200x200 tiles. |
LARGE-MAP | Large size (8 player) map. 220x220 tiles. |
LARGE-MAP-SIZE | Large size map. 220x220 tiles. |
GIANT-MAP | Huge size map. 240x240 tiles. DE changed the name of 240x240 tile map to Huge. GIANT-MAP refers to the Huge map for backwards compatibility with old AIs. |
HUGE-MAP-SIZE | Huge size map. 240x240 tiles. |
GIANT-MAP-SIZE | Giant size map. 252x252 tiles. Requires MORE_MAP_SIZES Steam launch parameter. |
MASSIVE-MAP-SIZE | Massive size map. 276x276 tiles. Requires MORE_MAP_SIZES Steam launch parameter. |
ENORMOUS-MAP-SIZE | Enormous size map. 300x300 tiles. Requires MORE_MAP_SIZES Steam launch parameter. |
COLOSSAL-MAP-SIZE | Colossal size map. 320x320 tiles. Requires MORE_MAP_SIZES Steam launch parameter. |
INCREDIBLE-MAP-SIZE | Incredible size map. 360x360 tiles. Requires MORE_MAP_SIZES Steam launch parameter. |
MONSTROUS-MAP-SIZE | Monstrous size map. 400x400 tiles. Requires MORE_MAP_SIZES Steam launch parameter. |
LUDIKRIS-MAP | Ludicrous size map (notice the spelling!). 480x480 tiles. |
LUDICROUS-MAP-SIZE | Ludicrous size map. 480x480 tiles. |
Symbol | Description |
VICTORY-STANDARD | Standard victory by Conquest, wonders, or relics. |
VICTORY-CONQUEST | Victory by Conquest only. |
VICTORY-TIME-LIMIT | Victory by having the best score by the time limit. |
VICTORY-SCORE | Victory by reaching a certain score. |
VICTORY-CUSTOM | Custom victories, such as scenarios. Probably |
VICTORY-RELICS | Victory by Relics only. |
Symbol | Description |
DIFFICULTY-EASIEST | Easiest difficulty. |
DIFFICULTY-EASY | Standard difficulty. |
DIFFICULTY-MODERATE | Moderate difficulty. |
DIFFICULTY-HARD | Hard difficulty. |
DIFFICULTY-HARDEST | Hardest difficulty. |
DIFFICULTY-EXTREME | Extreme difficulty. DE only. |
Symbol | Description |
POPULATION-CAP-25 | 25 population cap. |
POPULATION-CAP-50 | 50 population cap. |
POPULATION-CAP-75 | 75 population cap. |
POPULATION-CAP-100 | 100 population cap. |
POPULATION-CAP-125 | 125 population cap. |
POPULATION-CAP-150 | 150 population cap. |
POPULATION-CAP-175 | 175 population cap. |
POPULATION-CAP-200 | 200 population cap or higher. |
POPULATION-CAP-X | Population cap = X, substitute X for the desired pop cap. |
POPULATION-CAP-EXTENDED | Population cap > 200. |
Symbol | Description |
UP-GAME-[NAME] | Substitute [NAME] with the expansion name. |
UP-GAME-AGE2-X1 | The Conquerors expansion. |
UP-GAME-AGE2-X2 | The Age of Forgotten Empires mod (not the official AoF expansion). |
UP-GAME-WK | Wololo Kingdoms expansion. Also defined for DE. |
UP-AVAILABLE | Userpatch version 1.1 and later. |
UP-VERSION-1.5 | Userpatch version 1.5. |
UP-VERSION-1.4 | Userpatch version 1.4 and later. |
UP-VERSION-1.3 | Userpatch version 1.3 and later. |
UP-VERSION-1.2 | Userpatch version 1.2 and later. |
UP-VERSION-1.1 | Userpatch version 1.1 and later. |
DE-AVAILABLE | Definitive Edition game. |
DE-GAME-AGE2 | The AoE2 mode (always loaded in DE unless playing the AoE1 mode of Return of Rome). |
DE-GAME-ROME | The AoE1 mode of the Return of Rome DLC. |
Symbol | Description |
TEAMS-LOCKED | Locked teams. |
TEAM-TOGETHER | Team Together option is selected. |
UP-PLAYER-[1-8] | Likely defined only if the AI's player slot number matches the [1-8]. |
UP-[NAME]-CIV-ALLY | Defined if the player has an ally of the given civ at the start of the game. Replace [NAME] with a civ name, like UP-TEUTONIC-CIV-ALLY. |
UP-[NAME]-CIV-ENEMY | Defined if the player has an enemy (or neutral) of the given civ at the start of the game. Replace [NAME] with a civ name. Also defined for neutral players. |
UP-[1-8]-PLAYER-GAME | Total number of players in the game. Replace [1-8] with the number of players you want to specify. |
UP-[1-8]-PLAYER-TEAM | Number of players on the AI's team. Replace [1-8] with the number of players you want to specify. |
UP-ALLY-IN-GAME | Defined if the player has an ally at the start of the game. |
UP-MULTIPLE-ENEMIES | Defined if the player has more than one enemy. |
UP-TEAM-DISADVANTAGE | Defined if an enemy team is larger. |
UP-POCKET-POSITION | The player is a pocket (positioned between two allied players). |
UP-HUMAN-IN-GAME | Defined if there is a human player in the game. |
UP-HUMAN-ALLY | Defined if the player has a human ally. |
UP-HUMAN-ENEMY | Defined if the player has a human enemy. |
UP-COMPUTER-ALLY | Defined if the player has a computer ally. |
UP-COMPUTER-ENEMY | Defined if the player has a computer enemy. |
Symbol | Description |
CUSTOM-MAP | Any custom random map that doesn't use ai_info_map_type |
UP-NOMAD-STYLE | Custom maps that define the map style as Nomad with ai_info_map_type. |
UP-MICHI-STYLE | Custom maps that define the map style as Michi with ai_info_map_type. |
UP-NOMAD-RESOURCES | Custom maps that set nomad_resources to give players extra wood and stone (extra resources in built-in Nomad is hard-coded and does not set this). |
UP-GROUPED-BY-TEAM | Custom maps that set grouped_by_team to start team players in close proximity to each other. |
Symbol | Description |
REVEAL-NORMAL | Normal reveal start. |
REVEAL-EXPLORED | Explored reveal start. |
REVEAL-ALL-VISIBLE | All Visible reveal start. |
REVEAL-NO-FOG | There is no fog of war, but the AI still has to explore the map. |
Symbol | Description |
UP-MULTIPLAYER-GAME | Multiplayer game. |
UP-PROCESS-60FPS | 60 frames per second enabled (instead of the 20 fps in 1.0c). |
SCENARIO-MAP | Use UP-SCENARIO-GAME instead since scenarios have the option of setting a map type (Arabia, etc.). |
UP-SCENARIO-GAME | Defined for custom scenario games, even if the scenario sets the AI Info Map Type. |
FE-CAMPAIGN-GAME | Defined for scenarios that are part of official game campaigns that are released with the game. |
FE-CUSTOM-CAMPAIGN | Defined for scenarios that are part of a custom campaign mod. |
DE-SOLID-FARMS | Defined if a game version is loaded that has unwalkable farms (i.e. Return of Rome). |
Symbol | Description |
GAIA | Gaia civ. |
ACHAEMENIDS-CIV | Achaemenids civ. |
ARMENIANS-CIV | Armenians civ. |
ATHENIANS-CIV | Athenians civ. |
AZTEC-CIV | Aztecs civ. |
BENGALIS-CIV | Bengalis civ. |
BERBERS-CIV | Berbers civ. |
BRITON-CIV | Britons civ. |
BOHEMIANS-CIV | Bohemians civ. |
BULGARIANS-CIV | Bulgarians civ. |
BURGUNDIANS-CIV | Burgundians civ. |
BURMESE-CIV | Burmese civ. |
BYZANTINE-CIV | Byzantines civ. |
CELTIC-CIV | Celts civ. |
CHINESE-CIV | Chinese civ. |
CUMANS-CIV | Cumans civ. |
DRAVIDIANS-CIV | Dravidians civ. |
ETHIOPIAN-CIV | Ethiopians civ. |
FRANKISH-CIV | Franks civ. |
GEORGIANS-CIV | Georgians civ. |
GOTHIC-CIV | Goths civ. |
GURJARAS-CIV | Gurjaras civ. |
HUN-CIV | Huns civ. |
INCAN-CIV | Incas civ. |
INDIAN-CIV | Indians civ. Also defined for Hindustanis civ. |
ITALIAN-CIV | Italians civ. |
JAPANESE-CIV | Japanese civ. |
KHMER-CIV | Khmer civ. |
KOREAN-CIV | Koreans civ. |
LITHUANIANS-CIV | Lithuanians civ. |
MAGYAR-CIV | Magyars civ. |
MALAY-CIV | Malay civ. |
MALIAN-CIV | Malians civ. |
MAYAN-CIV | Mayans civ. |
MONGOL-CIV | Mongols civ. |
PERSIAN-CIV | Persians civ. |
POLES-CIV | Poles civ. |
PORTUGUESE-CIV | Portuguese civ. |
ROMANS-CIV | Romans civ. |
SARACEN-CIV | Saracens civ. |
SICILIANS-CIV | Sicilians civ. |
SLAVIC-CIV | Slavs civ. |
SPANISH-CIV | Spanish civ. |
SPARTANS-CIV | Spartans civ. |
TATARS-CIV | Tatars civ. |
TEUTONIC-CIV | Teutons civ. |
TURKISH-CIV | Turks civ. |
VIETNAMESE-CIV | Vietnamese civ. |
VIKING-CIV | Vikings civ. |
Symbol | Description |
GAIA | Gaia civ. |
ASSYRIAN-CIV | Assyrians civ. |
BABYLONIAN-CIV | Babylonians civ. |
CARTHAGIAN-CIV | Carthaginians civ. Notice the spelling. |
CHOSON-CIV | Choson civ. |
EGYPTIAN-CIV | Egyptians civ. |
GREEK-CIV | Greeks civ. |
HITTITE-CIV | Hittites civ. |
LAC-VIET-CIV | Lac Viet civ. |
MACEDONIAN-CIV | Macedonians civ. |
MINOAN-CIV | Minoans civ. |
PALMYRAN-CIV | Palmyrans civ. |
PERSIAN-CIV | Persians civ. |
PHOENICIAN-CIV | Phoenicians civ. |
ROMAN-CIV | Romans civ. |
SHANG-CIV | Shang civ. |
SUMERIAN-CIV | Sumerians civ. |
YAMATO-CIV | Yamato civ. |
Symbol | Description |
ACCLIVITY-MAP | Acclivity map. Defined only in DE. |
ACROPOLIS-MAP | Acropolis map. Defined only in DE. |
AFRICAN-CLEARING-MAP | African Clearing map. Defined only in DE. |
AFTERMATH-MAP | Aftermath map. Defined only in DE. |
ALPINE-LAKES-MAP | Alpine Lakes map. Defined only in DE. |
AMAZON-TUNNEL-MAP | Amazon Tunnel map. Defined only in DE. |
ARABIA-MAP | Arabia map. |
ARCHIPELAGO-MAP | Archipelago map. |
ARENA-MAP | Arena map. |
ATACAMA-MAP | Acatama map. Defined only in DE. |
BALTIC-MAP | Baltic map. |
BLACK-FOREST-MAP | Black Forest map. |
BOG-ISLANDS-MAP | Bog Islands map. Defined only in DE. |
BOGLAND-MAP | Bogland map. Defined only in DE. |
BUDAPEST-MAP | Budapest map. Defined only in DE. |
CENOTES-MAP | Cenotes map. Defined only in DE. |
CITYOFLAKES-MAP | City of Lakes map. Defined only in DE. |
COASTAL-MAP | Coastal map. |
COASTAL-FOREST-MAP | Coastal Forest map. Defined only in DE. |
CONTINENTAL-MAP | Continental map. |
CRATER-MAP | Crater map. Defined only in DE. |
CRATER-LAKE-MAP | Crater Lake map. |
ENCLOSED-MAP | Enclosed map. Defined only in DE. |
ERUPTION-MAP | Eruption map. Defined only in DE. |
FORTRESS-MAP | Fortress map. |
FOUR-LAKES-MAP | Four Lakes map. Defined only in DE. |
FRIGID-LAKE-MAP | Frigid Lake map. Defined only in DE. |
GHOST-LAKE-MAP | Ghost Lake map. |
GOLD-RUSH-MAP | Gold Rush map. |
GOLDENPIT-MAP | Golden Pit map. Defined only in DE. |
GOLDEN-SWAMP-MAP | Golden Swamp map. Defined only in DE. |
GREENLAND-MAP | Greenland map. Defined only in DE. |
HABOOB-MAP | Haboob map. Defined only in DE. |
HAMBURGER-MAP | Hamburger map. Defined only in DE. |
HIDEOUT-MAP | Hideout map. Defined only in DE. |
HIGHLAND-MAP | Highland map. |
HILLFORT-MAP | Hill Fort map. Defined only in DE. |
ISLANDS-MAP | Islands map. |
KAWASAN-MAP | Kawasan map. Defined only in DE. |
KILIMANJARO-MAP | Kilimanjaro map. Defined only in DE. |
LAND-MADNESS-MAP | Land Madness map. Defined only in DE. |
LAND-NOMAD-MAP | Land Nomad map. Defined only in DE. |
LOMBARDIA-MAP | Lombardia map. Defined only in DE. |
LOWLAND-MAP | Lowland map. Defined only in DE. |
MANGROVE-JUNGLE-MAP | Mangrove Jungle map. Defined only in DE. |
MARKETPLACE-MAP | Marketplace map. Defined only in DE. |
MEADOW-MAP | Meadow map. Defined only in DE. |
MEDITERRANEAN-MAP | Mediterranean map. |
MEGARANDOM-MAP | MegaRandom map. Defined only in DE. |
MICHI-MAP | Michi map. Defined only in DE. |
MIGRATION-MAP | Migration map. |
MONGOLIA-MAP | Mongolia map. |
MOUNTAIN-PASS-MAP | Mountain Pass map. Defined only in DE. |
MOUNTAIN-RANGE-MAP | Mountain Range map. Defined only in DE. |
MOUNTAIN-RIDGE-MAP | Mountain Ridge map. Defined only in DE. |
NILE-DELTA-MAP | Nile Delta map. Defined only in DE. |
NOMAD-MAP | Nomad map. |
NORTHERN-ISLES-MAP | Northern Isles map. Defined only in DE. |
OASIS-MAP | Oasis map. |
PACIFIC-ISLANDS-MAP | Pacific Islands map. Defined only in DE. |
RAVINES-MAP | Ravines map. Defined only in DE. |
RING-FORTRESS-MAP | Ring Fortress map. Defined only in DE. |
RIVERS-MAP | Rivers map. |
RUNESTONES-MAP | Runestones map. Defined only in DE. |
SACRED-SPRINGS-MAP | Sacred Springs map. Defined only in DE. |
SALT-MARSH-MAP | Salt Marsh map. |
SANDBANK-MAP | Sandbank map. Defined only in DE. |
SCANDANAVIA-MAP | Scandinavia map. Notice the spelling! This was the original #load-if for this map. |
SCANDINAVIA-MAP | Scandinavia map. This was added to the game later, perhaps in HD or DE. It might not work on UP. |
SEIZE-THE-MOUNTAIN-MAP | Seize The Mountain map. Defined only in DE. |
SERENGETI-MAP | Serengeti map. Defined only in DE. |
SOCOTRA-MAP | Socotra map. Defined only in DE. |
SOCOTRO-MAP | Socotra map. Defined only in DE. Must have been a typo in the map name. |
STEPPE-MAP | Steppe map. Defined only in DE. |
TEAM-ISLANDS-MAP | Team Islands map. |
TEAM-MOATS-MAP | Team Moats map. Defined only in DE. |
VALLEY-MAP | Valley map. Defined only in DE. |
VOLCANIC-ISLAND-MAP | Volcanic Island map. Defined only in DE. |
YUCATAN-MAP | Yucatan map. |
WADE-MAP | Wade map. Defined only in DE. |
WATER-NOMAD-MAP | Water Nomad map. Defined only in DE. |
WOLF-HILL-MAP | Wolf Hill map. Defined only in DE. |
CTR_RANDOM-MAP | Capture the Relic random map. |
CTR_MONSOON-MAP | Capture the Relic Monsoon map. |
CTR_PYRAMID-DESCENT-MAP | Capture the Relic Pyramid Descent map. |
CTR_SPIRAL-MAP | Capture the Relic Spiral map. |
BATTLE-ON-THE-ICE-MAP | Battle on the Ice Battle Royale map. |
EL-DORADO-MAP | El Dorado Battle Royale map. |
FALL-OF-AXUM-MAP | Fall of Axum Battle Royale map. |
FALL-OF-ROME-MAP | Fall of Rome Battle Royale map. |
THE-MAJAPHIT-EMPIRE-MAP | The Majapahit Empire Battle Royale map. Notice the spelling! |
REAL-WORLD-AMAZON-MAP | Real World Amazon map. Defined only in DE. |
REAL-WORLD-ANTARCTICA-MAP | Real World Antarctica map. Defined only in DE. |
REAL-WORLD-ARAL-SEA-MAP | Real World Aral Sea map. Defined only in DE. |
REAL-WORLD-AUSTRALIA-MAP | Real World Australia map. Defined only in DE. |
REAL-WORLD-BLACK-SEA-MAP | Real World Black Sea map. Defined only in DE. |
REAL-WORLD-BOHEMIA-MAP | Real World Bohemia map. Defined only in DE. |
REAL-WORLD-BYZANTIUM-MAP | Real World Byzantium map. |
REAL-WORLD-CARIBBEAN-MAP | Real World Central America map. |
REAL-WORLD-CAUCASUS-MAP | Real World Caucasus map. Defined only in DE. |
REAL-WORLD-CHINA-MAP | Real World China map. Defined only in DE. |
REAL-WORLD-ENGLAND-MAP | Real World Britain map. |
REAL-WORLD-FRANCE-MAP | Real World France map. |
REAL-WORLD-HORN-OF-AFRICA-MAP | Real World Horn of Africa map. Defined only in DE. |
REAL-WORLD-INDIA-MAP | Real World India map. Defined only in DE. |
REAL-WORLD-INDOCHINA-MAP | Real World Indochina map. Defined only in DE. |
REAL-WORLD-INDONESIA-MAP | Real World Indonesia map. Defined only in DE. |
REAL-WORLD-ITALY-MAP | Real World Italy map. |
REAL-WORLD-JUTLAND-MAP | Real World Norse Lands map. |
REAL-WORLD-MADAGASCAR-MAP | Real World Madagascar map. Defined only in DE. |
REAL-WORLD-MALACCA-MAP | Real World Malacca map. Defined only in DE. |
REAL-WORLD-MIDEAST-MAP | Real World Mideast map. |
REAL-WORLD-NIPPON-MAP | Real World Sea of Japan (East Sea) map. |
REAL-WORLD-PHILIPPINES-MAP | Real World Philippines map. Defined only in DE. |
REAL-WORLD-SIBERIA-MAP | Real World Siberia map. Defined only in DE. |
REAL-WORLD-SPAIN-MAP | Real World Iberia map. |
REAL-WORLD-STRAIT-OF-MALACCA-MAP | Real World Strait of Malacca map. Defined only in DE. |
REAL-WORLD-TEXAS-MAP | Real World Texas map. |
REAL-WORLD-WEST-AFRICA-MAP | Real World West Africa map. Defined only in DE. |
REAL-WORLD-WORLD-MAP | Real World Earth map. Defined only in DE. |
BORDER-STONES-SPECIAL-MAP | Border Stones special map. |
CANYONS-SPECIAL-MAP | Canyons special map. |
ENEMY-ARCHIPELAGO-SPECIAL-MAP | Enemy Archipelago special map. |
ENEMY-ISLANDS-SPECIAL-MAP | Enemy Islands special map. |
FAR-OUT-SPECIAL-MAP | Far Out special map. |
FRONT-LINE-SPECIAL-MAP | Front Line special map. |
HOLY-LINE-SPECIAL-MAP | Holy Line special map. |
INNER-CIRCLE-SPECIAL-MAP | Inner Circle special map. |
JOURNEY-SOUTH-SPECIAL-MAP | Journey South special map. |
JUNGLE-ISLANDS-SPECIAL-MAP | Jungle Islands special map. |
JUNGLE-LANES-SPECIAL-MAP | Jungle Lanes special map. |
MOTHERLAND-SPECIAL-MAP | Motherland special map. |
OPEN-PLAINS-SPECIAL-MAP | Open Plains special map. |
RING-OF-WATER-SPECIAL-MAP | Ring of Water special map. |
SNAKE-FOREST-SPECIAL-MAP | Snake Forest special map. |
SNAKE-PIT-SPECIAL-MAP | Snake Pit special map. |
SPRAWLING-STREAMS-SPECIAL-MAP | Sprawling Streams special map. |
SWIRLING-RIVER-SPECIAL-MAP | Swirling River special map. |
THE-EYE-SPECIAL-MAP | The Eye special map. |
TWIN-FORESTS-SPECIAL-MAP | Twin Forests special map. |
YIN-YANG-SPECIAL-MAP | Yin Yang special map. |
Symbol | Description |
ALLIANCE-MAP | Alliance map. |
CITADEL-MAP | Citadel map. |
CLEARING-MAP | Clearing map. |
POMPEIICOASTAL-MAP | Coastal map (Return of Rome version). |
POMPEIICONTINENTAL-MAP | Continental map (Return of Rome version). |
DARKFOREST-MAP | Dark Forest map. |
DESERTRIDGE-MAP | Desert Ridge map. |
GOLDMOUNTAIN-MAP | Gold Mountain map. |
POMPEIIHIGHLAND-MAP | Highland map (Return of Rome version). |
HILLCOUNTRY-MAP | Hill Country map. |
INLAND-MAP | Inland map. |
INSIDEOUT-MAP | Inside Out map. |
POMPEIILANDNOMAD-MAP | Land Nomad map (Return of Rome version). |
LARGEISLANDS-MAP | Large Islands map. |
POMPEIIMEDITERRANEAN-MAP | Mediterranean map (Return of Rome version). |
POMPEIIMEGARANDOM-MAP | MegaRandom map (Return of Rome version). |
MUDDYWATERS-MAP | Muddy Waters map. |
NARROWS-MAP | Narrows map. |
POMPEIINOMAD-MAP | Nomad map (Return of Rome version). |
POMPEIIOASIS-MAP | Oasis map (Return of Rome version). |
OCEANCHANNEL-MAP | Ocean Channel map. |
OCEANRING-MAP | Ocean Ring map. |
PLATEAUS-MAP | Plateaus map. |
RIVERCROSSING-MAP | River Crossing map. |
POMPEIIRIVERS-MAP | Rivers map (Return of Rome version). |
SAHARA-MAP | Sahara map. |
SMALLISLANDS-MAP | Small Islands map. |
TWINSETTLEMENTS-MAP | Twin Settlements map. |