System Defined Load-If Symbols

During the first initial pass, the AI parser must choose which rules in the script to load. To enable the AI script to load different code depending on the game settings, you can use System Defined Load-If Symbols. These are used with #load-if-defined or #load-if-not-defined conditional loading commands. Here's a list of all System Defined Load-If Symbols available:

Game Type

DEATH-MATCHDeath Match game.
RANDOM-MAPRandom Map game.
REGICIDERegicide game.
KING-OF-THE-HILLKing of the Hill game. CPSB incorrectly states "KING".
WONDER-RACEWonder Race game. CPSB incorrectly states "WONDER RACE".
DEFEND-WONDERDefend the Wonder game. CPSB incorrectly states "DEFEND THE WONDER".
TURBO-RANDOM-MAPTurbo random map game.
SUDDEN-DEATHSudden death game. HD/DE only.
CAPTURE-THE-RELICCapture the Relic game. HD/DE only.
BATTLE-ROYALEBattle Royale game. DE only.
EMPIRE-WARSEmpire Wars game. DE only.
TURBO-MODEA game where the Turbo Mode checkbox is checked.
SUB-GAME-MODE-EMPIRE-WARSA game where the Empire Wars Mode checkbox is checked.
SUB-GAME-MODE-SUDDEN-DEATHA game where the Sudden Death Mode checkbox is checked.
SUB-GAME-MODE-REGICIDEA game where the Regicide Mode checkbox is checked.
SUB-GAME-MODE-KING-OF-THE-HILLA game where the King of the Hill Mode checkbox is checked.
GAME-SPEED-LOCKEDGame speed is locked.
ALL-TECHS-ENABLEDAll techs enabled.
LAST-MAN-STANDINGLast Man Standing checked.
BATTLE-ROYAL-TIME-X-MINUTESBattle Royale Time Limit, where X is the number of minutes.

Starting and Ending Age

DARK-AGE-STARTDark Age start.
FEUDAL-AGE-STARTFeudal Age start.
CASTLE-AGE-STARTCastle Age start.
IMPERIAL-AGE-STARTImperial Age start.
POST-IMPERIAL-AGE-STARTPost-Imperial Age start.
DARK-AGE-ENDHighest available age is Dark Age.
FEUDAL-AGE-ENDHighest available age is Feudal Age.
CASTLE-AGE-ENDHighest available age is Castle Age.
IMPERIAL-AGE-ENDHighest available age is Imperial Age.

Starting Resources

LOW-RESOURCES-STARTLow resources start (Standard).
MEDIUM-RESOURCES-STARTMedium resources start.
HIGH-RESOURCES-STARTHigh resources start.
ULTRA-RESOURCES-STARTUltra resources start. DE only.
INFINITE-RESOURCES-STARTInfinite resources start. DE only.
RANDOM-RESOURCES-STARTRandom resources start. DE only.

Map Size

MINIATURE-MAP-SIZEMiniature size map. 80x80 tiles. Requires MORE_MAP_SIZES Steam launch parameter.
TINY-MAPTiny size (2 player) map. 120x120 tiles.
TINY-MAP-SIZETiny size (2 player) map. 120x120 tiles.
SMALL-MAPSmall size (3 player) map. 144x144 tiles.
SMALL-MAP-SIZESmall size (3 player) map. 144x144 tiles.
MEDIUM-MAPMedium size (4 player) map. 168x168 tiles.
MEDIUM-MAP-SIZEMedium size map. 168x168 tiles.
NORMAL-MAPNormal size (6 player) map. 200x200 tiles.
NORMAL-MAP-SIZENormal size map. 200x200 tiles.
LARGE-MAPLarge size (8 player) map. 220x220 tiles.
LARGE-MAP-SIZELarge size map. 220x220 tiles.
GIANT-MAPHuge size map. 240x240 tiles. DE changed the name of 240x240 tile map to Huge. GIANT-MAP refers to the Huge map for backwards compatibility with old AIs.
HUGE-MAP-SIZEHuge size map. 240x240 tiles.
GIANT-MAP-SIZEGiant size map. 252x252 tiles. Requires MORE_MAP_SIZES Steam launch parameter.
MASSIVE-MAP-SIZEMassive size map. 276x276 tiles. Requires MORE_MAP_SIZES Steam launch parameter.
ENORMOUS-MAP-SIZEEnormous size map. 300x300 tiles. Requires MORE_MAP_SIZES Steam launch parameter.
COLOSSAL-MAP-SIZEColossal size map. 320x320 tiles. Requires MORE_MAP_SIZES Steam launch parameter.
INCREDIBLE-MAP-SIZEIncredible size map. 360x360 tiles. Requires MORE_MAP_SIZES Steam launch parameter.
MONSTROUS-MAP-SIZEMonstrous size map. 400x400 tiles. Requires MORE_MAP_SIZES Steam launch parameter.
LUDIKRIS-MAPLudicrous size map (notice the spelling!). 480x480 tiles.
LUDICROUS-MAP-SIZELudicrous size map. 480x480 tiles.

Victory Type

VICTORY-STANDARDStandard victory by Conquest, wonders, or relics.
VICTORY-CONQUESTVictory by Conquest only.
VICTORY-TIME-LIMITVictory by having the best score by the time limit.
VICTORY-SCOREVictory by reaching a certain score.
VICTORY-CUSTOMCustom victories, such as scenarios. Probably
VICTORY-RELICSVictory by Relics only.


DIFFICULTY-EASIESTEasiest difficulty.
DIFFICULTY-EASYStandard difficulty.
DIFFICULTY-MODERATEModerate difficulty.
DIFFICULTY-HARDHard difficulty.
DIFFICULTY-HARDESTHardest difficulty.
DIFFICULTY-EXTREMEExtreme difficulty. DE only.

Population Cap

POPULATION-CAP-2525 population cap.
POPULATION-CAP-5050 population cap.
POPULATION-CAP-7575 population cap.
POPULATION-CAP-100100 population cap.
POPULATION-CAP-125125 population cap.
POPULATION-CAP-150150 population cap.
POPULATION-CAP-175175 population cap.
POPULATION-CAP-200200 population cap or higher.
POPULATION-CAP-XPopulation cap = X, substitute X for the desired pop cap.
POPULATION-CAP-EXTENDEDPopulation cap > 200.

Game Versions

UP-GAME-[NAME]Substitute [NAME] with the expansion name.
UP-GAME-AGE2-X1The Conquerors expansion.
UP-GAME-AGE2-X2The Age of Forgotten Empires mod (not the official AoF expansion).
UP-GAME-WKWololo Kingdoms expansion. Also defined for DE.
UP-AVAILABLEUserpatch version 1.1 and later.
UP-VERSION-1.5Userpatch version 1.5.
UP-VERSION-1.4Userpatch version 1.4 and later.
UP-VERSION-1.3Userpatch version 1.3 and later.
UP-VERSION-1.2Userpatch version 1.2 and later.
UP-VERSION-1.1Userpatch version 1.1 and later.
DE-AVAILABLEDefinitive Edition game.
DE-GAME-AGE2The AoE2 mode (always loaded in DE unless playing the AoE1 mode of Return of Rome).
DE-GAME-ROMEThe AoE1 mode of the Return of Rome DLC.

Players and Teams

TEAMS-LOCKEDLocked teams.
TEAM-TOGETHERTeam Together option is selected.
UP-PLAYER-[1-8]Likely defined only if the AI's player slot number matches the [1-8].
UP-[NAME]-CIV-ALLYDefined if the player has an ally of the given civ at the start of the game. Replace [NAME] with a civ name, like UP-TEUTONIC-CIV-ALLY.
UP-[NAME]-CIV-ENEMYDefined if the player has an enemy (or neutral) of the given civ at the start of the game. Replace [NAME] with a civ name. Also defined for neutral players.
UP-[1-8]-PLAYER-GAMETotal number of players in the game. Replace [1-8] with the number of players you want to specify.
UP-[1-8]-PLAYER-TEAMNumber of players on the AI's team. Replace [1-8] with the number of players you want to specify.
UP-ALLY-IN-GAMEDefined if the player has an ally at the start of the game.
UP-MULTIPLE-ENEMIESDefined if the player has more than one enemy.
UP-TEAM-DISADVANTAGEDefined if an enemy team is larger.
UP-POCKET-POSITIONThe player is a pocket (positioned between two allied players).
UP-HUMAN-IN-GAMEDefined if there is a human player in the game.
UP-HUMAN-ALLYDefined if the player has a human ally.
UP-HUMAN-ENEMYDefined if the player has a human enemy.
UP-COMPUTER-ALLYDefined if the player has a computer ally.
UP-COMPUTER-ENEMYDefined if the player has a computer enemy.

Custom Random Maps

CUSTOM-MAPAny custom random map that doesn't use ai_info_map_type
UP-NOMAD-STYLECustom maps that define the map style as Nomad with ai_info_map_type.
UP-MICHI-STYLECustom maps that define the map style as Michi with ai_info_map_type.
UP-NOMAD-RESOURCESCustom maps that set nomad_resources to give players extra wood and stone (extra resources in built-in Nomad is hard-coded and does not set this).
UP-GROUPED-BY-TEAMCustom maps that set grouped_by_team to start team players in close proximity to each other.

Reveal Map

REVEAL-NORMALNormal reveal start.
REVEAL-EXPLOREDExplored reveal start.
REVEAL-ALL-VISIBLEAll Visible reveal start.
REVEAL-NO-FOGThere is no fog of war, but the AI still has to explore the map.

Other Settings

UP-MULTIPLAYER-GAMEMultiplayer game.
UP-PROCESS-60FPS60 frames per second enabled (instead of the 20 fps in 1.0c).
SCENARIO-MAPUse UP-SCENARIO-GAME instead since scenarios have the option of setting a map type (Arabia, etc.).
UP-SCENARIO-GAMEDefined for custom scenario games, even if the scenario sets the AI Info Map Type.
FE-CAMPAIGN-GAMEDefined for scenarios that are part of official game campaigns that are released with the game.
FE-CUSTOM-CAMPAIGNDefined for scenarios that are part of a custom campaign mod.
DE-SOLID-FARMSDefined if a game version is loaded that has unwalkable farms (i.e. Return of Rome).

AoE2 Civilizations

GAIAGaia civ.
ACHAEMENIDS-CIVAchaemenids civ.
ARMENIANS-CIVArmenians civ.
ATHENIANS-CIVAthenians civ.
AZTEC-CIVAztecs civ.
BENGALIS-CIVBengalis civ.
BERBERS-CIVBerbers civ.
BRITON-CIVBritons civ.
BOHEMIANS-CIVBohemians civ.
BULGARIANS-CIVBulgarians civ.
BURGUNDIANS-CIVBurgundians civ.
BURMESE-CIVBurmese civ.
BYZANTINE-CIVByzantines civ.
CELTIC-CIVCelts civ.
CHINESE-CIVChinese civ.
CUMANS-CIVCumans civ.
DRAVIDIANS-CIVDravidians civ.
ETHIOPIAN-CIVEthiopians civ.
GEORGIANS-CIVGeorgians civ.
GOTHIC-CIVGoths civ.
GURJARAS-CIVGurjaras civ.
HUN-CIVHuns civ.
INCAN-CIVIncas civ.
INDIAN-CIVIndians civ. Also defined for Hindustanis civ.
ITALIAN-CIVItalians civ.
JAPANESE-CIVJapanese civ.
KHMER-CIVKhmer civ.
KOREAN-CIVKoreans civ.
LITHUANIANS-CIVLithuanians civ.
MAGYAR-CIVMagyars civ.
MALAY-CIVMalay civ.
MALIAN-CIVMalians civ.
MAYAN-CIVMayans civ.
MONGOL-CIVMongols civ.
PERSIAN-CIVPersians civ.
POLES-CIVPoles civ.
PORTUGUESE-CIVPortuguese civ.
ROMANS-CIVRomans civ.
SARACEN-CIVSaracens civ.
SICILIANS-CIVSicilians civ.
SLAVIC-CIVSlavs civ.
SPANISH-CIVSpanish civ.
SPARTANS-CIVSpartans civ.
TATARS-CIVTatars civ.
TEUTONIC-CIVTeutons civ.
VIETNAMESE-CIVVietnamese civ.
VIKING-CIVVikings civ.

AoE1 Return of Rome DLC Civilizations

GAIAGaia civ.
ASSYRIAN-CIVAssyrians civ.
BABYLONIAN-CIVBabylonians civ.
CARTHAGIAN-CIVCarthaginians civ. Notice the spelling.
CHOSON-CIVChoson civ.
EGYPTIAN-CIVEgyptians civ.
GREEK-CIVGreeks civ.
HITTITE-CIVHittites civ.
LAC-VIET-CIVLac Viet civ.
MACEDONIAN-CIVMacedonians civ.
MINOAN-CIVMinoans civ.
PALMYRAN-CIVPalmyrans civ.
PERSIAN-CIVPersians civ.
PHOENICIAN-CIVPhoenicians civ.
ROMAN-CIVRomans civ.
SHANG-CIVShang civ.
SUMERIAN-CIVSumerians civ.
YAMATO-CIVYamato civ.

AoE2 Map Type

ACCLIVITY-MAPAcclivity map. Defined only in DE.
ACROPOLIS-MAPAcropolis map. Defined only in DE.
AFRICAN-CLEARING-MAPAfrican Clearing map. Defined only in DE.
AFTERMATH-MAPAftermath map. Defined only in DE.
ALPINE-LAKES-MAPAlpine Lakes map. Defined only in DE.
AMAZON-TUNNEL-MAPAmazon Tunnel map. Defined only in DE.
ARABIA-MAPArabia map.
ARCHIPELAGO-MAPArchipelago map.
ARENA-MAPArena map.
ATACAMA-MAPAcatama map. Defined only in DE.
BALTIC-MAPBaltic map.
BLACK-FOREST-MAPBlack Forest map.
BOG-ISLANDS-MAPBog Islands map. Defined only in DE.
BOGLAND-MAPBogland map. Defined only in DE.
BUDAPEST-MAPBudapest map. Defined only in DE.
CENOTES-MAPCenotes map. Defined only in DE.
CITYOFLAKES-MAPCity of Lakes map. Defined only in DE.
COASTAL-MAPCoastal map.
COASTAL-FOREST-MAPCoastal Forest map. Defined only in DE.
CONTINENTAL-MAPContinental map.
CRATER-MAPCrater map. Defined only in DE.
CRATER-LAKE-MAPCrater Lake map.
ENCLOSED-MAPEnclosed map. Defined only in DE.
ERUPTION-MAPEruption map. Defined only in DE.
FORTRESS-MAPFortress map.
FOUR-LAKES-MAPFour Lakes map. Defined only in DE.
FRIGID-LAKE-MAPFrigid Lake map. Defined only in DE.
GHOST-LAKE-MAPGhost Lake map.
GOLD-RUSH-MAPGold Rush map.
GOLDENPIT-MAPGolden Pit map. Defined only in DE.
GOLDEN-SWAMP-MAPGolden Swamp map. Defined only in DE.
GREENLAND-MAPGreenland map. Defined only in DE.
HABOOB-MAPHaboob map. Defined only in DE.
HAMBURGER-MAPHamburger map. Defined only in DE.
HIDEOUT-MAPHideout map. Defined only in DE.
HIGHLAND-MAPHighland map.
HILLFORT-MAPHill Fort map. Defined only in DE.
ISLANDS-MAPIslands map.
KAWASAN-MAPKawasan map. Defined only in DE.
KILIMANJARO-MAPKilimanjaro map. Defined only in DE.
LAND-MADNESS-MAPLand Madness map. Defined only in DE.
LAND-NOMAD-MAPLand Nomad map. Defined only in DE.
LOMBARDIA-MAPLombardia map. Defined only in DE.
LOWLAND-MAPLowland map. Defined only in DE.
MANGROVE-JUNGLE-MAPMangrove Jungle map. Defined only in DE.
MARKETPLACE-MAPMarketplace map. Defined only in DE.
MEADOW-MAPMeadow map. Defined only in DE.
MEDITERRANEAN-MAPMediterranean map.
MEGARANDOM-MAPMegaRandom map. Defined only in DE.
MICHI-MAPMichi map. Defined only in DE.
MIGRATION-MAPMigration map.
MONGOLIA-MAPMongolia map.
MOUNTAIN-PASS-MAPMountain Pass map. Defined only in DE.
MOUNTAIN-RANGE-MAPMountain Range map. Defined only in DE.
MOUNTAIN-RIDGE-MAPMountain Ridge map. Defined only in DE.
NILE-DELTA-MAPNile Delta map. Defined only in DE.
NOMAD-MAPNomad map.
NORTHERN-ISLES-MAPNorthern Isles map. Defined only in DE.
OASIS-MAPOasis map.
PACIFIC-ISLANDS-MAPPacific Islands map. Defined only in DE.
RAVINES-MAPRavines map. Defined only in DE.
RING-FORTRESS-MAPRing Fortress map. Defined only in DE.
RIVERS-MAPRivers map.
RUNESTONES-MAPRunestones map. Defined only in DE.
SACRED-SPRINGS-MAPSacred Springs map. Defined only in DE.
SALT-MARSH-MAPSalt Marsh map.
SANDBANK-MAPSandbank map. Defined only in DE.
SCANDANAVIA-MAPScandinavia map. Notice the spelling! This was the original #load-if for this map.
SCANDINAVIA-MAPScandinavia map. This was added to the game later, perhaps in HD or DE. It might not work on UP.
SEIZE-THE-MOUNTAIN-MAPSeize The Mountain map. Defined only in DE.
SERENGETI-MAPSerengeti map. Defined only in DE.
SOCOTRA-MAPSocotra map. Defined only in DE.
SOCOTRO-MAPSocotra map. Defined only in DE. Must have been a typo in the map name.
STEPPE-MAPSteppe map. Defined only in DE.
TEAM-ISLANDS-MAPTeam Islands map.
TEAM-MOATS-MAPTeam Moats map. Defined only in DE.
VALLEY-MAPValley map. Defined only in DE.
VOLCANIC-ISLAND-MAPVolcanic Island map. Defined only in DE.
YUCATAN-MAPYucatan map.
WADE-MAPWade map. Defined only in DE.
WATER-NOMAD-MAPWater Nomad map. Defined only in DE.
WOLF-HILL-MAPWolf Hill map. Defined only in DE.
CTR_RANDOM-MAPCapture the Relic random map.
CTR_MONSOON-MAPCapture the Relic Monsoon map.
CTR_PYRAMID-DESCENT-MAPCapture the Relic Pyramid Descent map.
CTR_SPIRAL-MAPCapture the Relic Spiral map.
BATTLE-ON-THE-ICE-MAPBattle on the Ice Battle Royale map.
EL-DORADO-MAPEl Dorado Battle Royale map.
FALL-OF-AXUM-MAPFall of Axum Battle Royale map.
FALL-OF-ROME-MAPFall of Rome Battle Royale map.
THE-MAJAPHIT-EMPIRE-MAPThe Majapahit Empire Battle Royale map. Notice the spelling!
REAL-WORLD-AMAZON-MAPReal World Amazon map. Defined only in DE.
REAL-WORLD-ANTARCTICA-MAPReal World Antarctica map. Defined only in DE.
REAL-WORLD-ARAL-SEA-MAPReal World Aral Sea map. Defined only in DE.
REAL-WORLD-AUSTRALIA-MAPReal World Australia map. Defined only in DE.
REAL-WORLD-BLACK-SEA-MAPReal World Black Sea map. Defined only in DE.
REAL-WORLD-BOHEMIA-MAPReal World Bohemia map. Defined only in DE.
REAL-WORLD-BYZANTIUM-MAPReal World Byzantium map.
REAL-WORLD-CARIBBEAN-MAPReal World Central America map.
REAL-WORLD-CAUCASUS-MAPReal World Caucasus map. Defined only in DE.
REAL-WORLD-CHINA-MAPReal World China map. Defined only in DE.
REAL-WORLD-ENGLAND-MAPReal World Britain map.
REAL-WORLD-FRANCE-MAPReal World France map.
REAL-WORLD-HORN-OF-AFRICA-MAPReal World Horn of Africa map. Defined only in DE.
REAL-WORLD-INDIA-MAPReal World India map. Defined only in DE.
REAL-WORLD-INDOCHINA-MAPReal World Indochina map. Defined only in DE.
REAL-WORLD-INDONESIA-MAPReal World Indonesia map. Defined only in DE.
REAL-WORLD-ITALY-MAPReal World Italy map.
REAL-WORLD-JUTLAND-MAPReal World Norse Lands map.
REAL-WORLD-MADAGASCAR-MAPReal World Madagascar map. Defined only in DE.
REAL-WORLD-MALACCA-MAPReal World Malacca map. Defined only in DE.
REAL-WORLD-MIDEAST-MAPReal World Mideast map.
REAL-WORLD-NIPPON-MAPReal World Sea of Japan (East Sea) map.
REAL-WORLD-PHILIPPINES-MAPReal World Philippines map. Defined only in DE.
REAL-WORLD-SIBERIA-MAPReal World Siberia map. Defined only in DE.
REAL-WORLD-SPAIN-MAPReal World Iberia map.
REAL-WORLD-STRAIT-OF-MALACCA-MAPReal World Strait of Malacca map. Defined only in DE.
REAL-WORLD-TEXAS-MAPReal World Texas map.
REAL-WORLD-WEST-AFRICA-MAPReal World West Africa map. Defined only in DE.
REAL-WORLD-WORLD-MAPReal World Earth map. Defined only in DE.
BORDER-STONES-SPECIAL-MAPBorder Stones special map.
CANYONS-SPECIAL-MAPCanyons special map.
ENEMY-ARCHIPELAGO-SPECIAL-MAPEnemy Archipelago special map.
ENEMY-ISLANDS-SPECIAL-MAPEnemy Islands special map.
FAR-OUT-SPECIAL-MAPFar Out special map.
FRONT-LINE-SPECIAL-MAPFront Line special map.
HOLY-LINE-SPECIAL-MAPHoly Line special map.
INNER-CIRCLE-SPECIAL-MAPInner Circle special map.
JOURNEY-SOUTH-SPECIAL-MAPJourney South special map.
JUNGLE-ISLANDS-SPECIAL-MAPJungle Islands special map.
JUNGLE-LANES-SPECIAL-MAPJungle Lanes special map.
MOTHERLAND-SPECIAL-MAPMotherland special map.
OPEN-PLAINS-SPECIAL-MAPOpen Plains special map.
RING-OF-WATER-SPECIAL-MAPRing of Water special map.
SNAKE-FOREST-SPECIAL-MAPSnake Forest special map.
SNAKE-PIT-SPECIAL-MAPSnake Pit special map.
SPRAWLING-STREAMS-SPECIAL-MAPSprawling Streams special map.
SWIRLING-RIVER-SPECIAL-MAPSwirling River special map.
THE-EYE-SPECIAL-MAPThe Eye special map.
TWIN-FORESTS-SPECIAL-MAPTwin Forests special map.
YIN-YANG-SPECIAL-MAPYin Yang special map.

AoE1 Return of Rome Map Type

ALLIANCE-MAPAlliance map.
CITADEL-MAPCitadel map.
CLEARING-MAPClearing map.
POMPEIICOASTAL-MAPCoastal map (Return of Rome version).
POMPEIICONTINENTAL-MAPContinental map (Return of Rome version).
DARKFOREST-MAPDark Forest map.
DESERTRIDGE-MAPDesert Ridge map.
GOLDMOUNTAIN-MAPGold Mountain map.
POMPEIIHIGHLAND-MAPHighland map (Return of Rome version).
HILLCOUNTRY-MAPHill Country map.
INLAND-MAPInland map.
INSIDEOUT-MAPInside Out map.
POMPEIILANDNOMAD-MAPLand Nomad map (Return of Rome version).
LARGEISLANDS-MAPLarge Islands map.
POMPEIIMEDITERRANEAN-MAPMediterranean map (Return of Rome version).
POMPEIIMEGARANDOM-MAPMegaRandom map (Return of Rome version).
MUDDYWATERS-MAPMuddy Waters map.
NARROWS-MAPNarrows map.
POMPEIINOMAD-MAPNomad map (Return of Rome version).
POMPEIIOASIS-MAPOasis map (Return of Rome version).
OCEANCHANNEL-MAPOcean Channel map.
OCEANRING-MAPOcean Ring map.
PLATEAUS-MAPPlateaus map.
RIVERCROSSING-MAPRiver Crossing map.
POMPEIIRIVERS-MAPRivers map (Return of Rome version).
SAHARA-MAPSahara map.
SMALLISLANDS-MAPSmall Islands map.
TWINSETTLEMENTS-MAPTwin Settlements map.